Sep 6, 2017

South Cheshire BNI turned out in force on Friday 18th August for a race night in aid of the chapter’s charity, Visyon. The evening was a great social event for the chapter, and £1,300 was raised for Visyon, a charity that supports local children with mental health challenges.

The money raised will help children like 14 year-old Katie, who has anxiety and has stopped attending school. Katie’s mum is struggling to understand why Katie finds leaving the house so hard, and they are arguing all the time. Katie’s dad is having to take time off work, which is affecting the family’s finances. Katie’s younger sister can’t understand what’s happening. She feels that her family is falling apart. With the money raised by South Cheshire BNI, Visyon will be able to offer support to Katie. She’ll probably only need a few sessions with a counsellor, or she might come to one of Visyon’s groups. At Visyon, Katie will be encouraged to talk about what is making her anxious, and she’ll be given some tips on how to manage her anxiety. All being well, she should be back at school in a few weeks.

The £1,300 raised by South Cheshire BNI will enable Visyon to help 6 children like Katie: children like Carly, a 13 year-old being bullied by a group of her classmates and too frightened to tell anyone; or Ben, a 12 year-old who’s spent most of his childhood watching his mum being beaten up by his dad; or 16 year-old Cam who’s struggling with his sexuality; or Em, a 14 year-old in an unhealthy relationship with a man 10 years older than her; or Charlie, a 15 year-old who doesn’t get much attention from her parents because her younger brother has severe autism.

Visyon’s Business Development Manager and BNI member, Sandi Marshall, said, “I am proud of all my BNI colleagues, and so grateful on behalf of Visyon, and on behalf of the 6 children the money will support, and on behalf of the families of those 6 children.” To find out more about Visyon, and how you can help, visit or contact at our Nantwich accountants office.

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