Dec 10, 2020

With the end of 2020, there is finally some good news on the horizon as the prospect of a Covid-19 vaccine heralds an eventual return to normality some time in 2021…

And indeed, despite its challenges, the past year has not been without some positives: at Afford Bond Chartered Accountants, we are particularly pleased that we have been able to maintain our commitment to the future by recruiting two apprentices.

This is an alternative entry to the degree route into accountancy, enabling trainees to study for their Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualification while working. They can then progress to higher level qualifications and become Chartered Accountants in due course.


This approach of fostering young talent and helping to guide and train the accountants of the future ties in with Afford Bond’s philosophy in other areas too. We care deeply about our client relationships and spend time learning about all aspects of their business – and also about their personal motivations and goals.

Owners and directors see their businesses as far more than a set of figures on a balance sheet – they are often built on passion and can literally be the means to achieving their dreams. We embrace that, taking the time to understand not only the ‘what’, but the ‘why,’ so that we can provide expert advice and work with them to develop long-term strategies to turn ambitions into reality.


Added to this commitment is our appetite for learning and using the tools at our disposal – both established and newly available grants and government schemes – to best advantage on our clients’ behalf.

The law and accountancy regulations change all the time – every year is different from the last. We pride ourselves on being agile, on being ready to take advantage of new opportunities, particularly as we move into a new year and hopefully, a more stable business environment.

In the last few months alone, we have used our knowledge of the Research & Development Tax Credits Incentive to save one client over £500,000 in Corporation Tax.

Another client has saved over £20,000 in Income Tax, due to our knowledge and experience in Capital Allowances Claims for the equestrian sector. This enables them both to re-invest, strengthen and future-proof their operations.

Whatever the future holds, the Afford Bond team will always be on your side because we believe your success is our success.

As Partner Paul Edwards, explains: ‘Whether it is our clients or our staff, we want the best for them, enabling them to reach full potential. And it’s something I can speak about from personal experience: the Afford Bond apprentice scheme is how I began my own career, more years ago than I care to remember!”

To find out more about the Afford Bond Chartered Accountants approach (with offices in Nantwich and Wilmslow), and how it could benefit your business, why not get in touch with Paul for a no obligation chat

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We are always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our teams in Nantwich, Wilmslow and Manchester.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in the Accountancy Profession,  please send us your CV and covering letter.

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