Oct 15, 2019

The Budget 2019 is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 6 November, Chancellor Sajid Javid has confirmed. But whether or not Budget 2019 takes place on 6 November depends largely on the UK securing a deal to leave the EU before 11pm on 31 October 2019.

If no deal is reached, political commentators suggest Javid will deliver an economic statement on 6 November with the Budget delayed indefinitely.

This will be Javid’s first Budget since succeeding Philip Hammond as Chancellor back in July. He said: “This will be the first Budget after leaving the EU. I will be setting out our plan to shape the economy for the future and triggering the start of our infrastructure revolution. This is the right and responsible thing to do – we must get on with governing.”

Afford Bond Partner, Paul Edwards, said: “Budget 2019 could be the biggest fiscal announcement for quite some time, with several tax changes believed to be in the pipeline. Business in Cheshire and south Manchester is still thriving, and this need not be an uncertain time for your business. If you would like to discuss your finances and future tax plans, please contact us using the Contact Form on our website www.affordbond.co.uk

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