Lake District Welcomes Afford Bond Accountants Cheshire

Jun 21, 2017

Well done to the team from Afford Bond Chartered Accountants for completing our 2017 walk. This year’s route was “The Fairfield Horseshoe” which can start from either Rydal or Ambleside in the Lake District and takes in all the fells which surround the valley of the Rydal Beck. This is a strenuous walk but one which is mostly an easy route to find, providing you have good visibility, which our Cheshire Accountants team did for the first half of the walk – then the fog closed in! The route was 18 km, with a climb of 1,100 metres and in several places, it got a bit competitive!  Well done to everyone who took part.

Although the weather was very foggy at the end, all 25 members of the team completed it. As you can see from the photo, quite a sense of achievement for everyone at the end of the trip.

The Fairfield Horseshoe, at the top

Now we need to decide where to go next year……. suggestions on a postcard to Jeff Atkinson please.

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