Jun 19, 2020

What’s the definition of an extrovert accountant? One who looks at your shoes while he’s talking to you instead of his own…

At Afford Bond, we wouldn’t describe ourselves as extrovert – but we do think we’re a little bit different, and we offer something unique to our clients. It’s about the way we get to know you and your business: not just the numbers, the expert tax advice and the payroll, but the people behind those things. By taking the time to understand the individuals, their circumstances and what drives them, we are able to provide much more rounded, personalised advice.

And that’s never been more important, as so many of them have been striving to navigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.


There has, and continues to be, a lot of support available in terms of grants, loans and payment deferrals – but it’s been hard to look into the future and see what is the best way forward to put each business in the strongest possible position beyond the current crisis. We can help with this – we can talk to each client about their specific circumstance and guide them to the best approach, as well as sorting out practical things like filling in forms for the bank or HMRC.

– A client who successfully applied for a loan from the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) told us: “Our relationship manager [at the bank] said it was the best loan application he’d seen, so thank you, I couldn’t have done it without you!”

– Another was hesitant in applying for the £10,000 Small Business Grant Funding. They thought they met the criteria, but were anxious about their entitlement and didn’t want to do anything wrong. “We’ve never had to do anything like this before. Afford Bond was so patient and reassuring – they talked through our situation and we have now received the grant which will make a massive difference to us.”

– And in one case, it was our payroll service which received a special mention: “I must note that your payroll department have been nothing short of Superstars throughout this whole period, I know how busy they are with the various payrolls, but they have kept good levels of communication, kept me up to date and helped in every way they could. The service is always outstanding, but I do think they have gone above and beyond in recent times.”

Whatever your situation – whether you are already a client or not – we offer a no obligation chat with Partner, Paul Edwards who says: “Welcome to Afford Bond, where I mean it when I say, everybody counts.”

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