Sep 30, 2019

Twenty-two intrepid members of our team are now back at their desks, resting and relaxing their muscles, after taking part in the Nantwich Sprint Triathlon, which consists of a 500m swim in the outdoor pool, a 21km bike ride followed by a 5km run. We have a few keen amateur athletes in our ranks, but for the most part, it was folk who are more used to exercising their grey cells on our clients’ behalf than their personal limits of strength and stamina. And it may not have been at the forefront of their minds as they pushed past their personal pain barriers, but there are some parallels between our specialisms and the triathlon events…


For many businesses, good taxation planning can literally mean the difference between sink or swim: in the good times, it may be relatively easy to make provisions for those demands from the revenue, but when times are hard, it can be a different story. With Brexit being one of the many uncertainties over the last three years, it is vital for any organisation to receive the right advice to help them not only stay afloat, but chart a course that will guide them through any deep or choppy waters, back to the safety of the shallow end.


Audits are one of those things that go in cycles: and while many businesses shy away from this annual ‘chore,’ an audit can actually provide an excellent opportunity to highlight where internal processes and costs would benefit from closer review. It’s true, there are some exemptions which give hundreds of smaller businesses the freedom to choose whether or not they want to submit their company for audit. We can advise you on that, but bear in mind that a professional and detailed business audit by a member of our experienced team can often reveal where profitable changes can be made – effectively a comprehensive health-check for your business.


At Afford Bond, we say that managing accounts is more like a marathon than a sprint – and when it comes to client relationships, we’re delighted to go the distance. We get to know the business owners we work with as people, not just as a set of balance sheets. We ensure that we understand their long term goals and their day-to-day pressures, spending time and effort in tailoring our advice to their individual circumstances.

One of the people whose approach to work epitomised all of these characteristics and values was our late and much missed colleague Jonathan Curwen, whom we lost to cancer last year at the very young age of 42. In the summer of 2017, shortly before his diagnosis, Jonathan completed his first Triathlon and so we thought it a fitting tribute to take part in this year’s Nantwich event in his memory. We are delighted to report that our efforts have raised over £4,000 for The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, which cared for Jonathan during his illness and The Wingate Centre in Nantwich, a local children’s charity.


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